We’re always happy to hear from you!
Mobius Discovery Center
Across from Riverfront Park
331 N Post St, Spokane, WA 99201
Mailing Address
PO Box 9106
Spokane, WA 99209
Contact Mobius
Please submit this form so we can best answer your question and guide you to the information you need.
Senior Staff
Karen Hudson
Chief Executive Officer
- 509.321.7125
Keona Dixon
Director of Operations
- 509.321.7121
Amanda Currie
Marketing Manager
- 509.321.7137
Emily Hawks
Outreach Education Coordinator
- 509.321.7212
Alina Morrisey
Visitor Services &
Volunteer Sr. Manager
- 509.321.7219
Jason Williams
Facility & Exhibit Manager
- 509.321.7135
Tiniya Dixon
Public Programs Coordinator
- 509.321.7215
Miranda Chesterman
Executive Assistant to CEO
& Scheduling Specialist
- 509.321.7207